Landlord Safety Testing
Landlords have certain responsibilities and Electrical Safety is just one of those. Wattech can help with a completely tailored solution through out Wales.
When it comes to being a landlord there are certain legislation that you must follow including:
Ensuring the electrical installation is safe at the start of the tenancy
Ensuring the electrical installation is maintained through out the tenancy
All appliances provided including boilers etc are safe and maintained
Wattech can help with a completely managed appliance maintenance plan which includes:
Testing of Fixed items such as cookers, dishwashers, boilers, emersion heaters, etc
Testing of plugged items such as TVs, Fridges, Freezers, lamps, etc
Repairs to plugs and replacement fuses included
Discount for replacement flex
Discreet and neat stickers
PDF reports
Fixed pricing based on the number of items supplied by landlord
Reminders for retesting
Our Promise
Open Every Plug Top
Check Every Fuse
Tighten Every Screw Terminal
Tighten Every Clamp
Check Every Cord
Test Continuity Of The Protective Earth
Test Insulation & Leakage
Record All Results Including Test Result Values Digitally
Email Results Within 7 days of Full Payment Being Received